19 September 2017

Teaching Children About Healthy Boundaries

This video is hilarious, I think mostly because all of us have dealt with men like this at one point or another.  I actually used this video with Rose today in an effort to talk a little bit about appropriate boundaries.  Sometimes you need to ask people to leave you alone firmly.  Elf popped into the room, saw what was on the computer, and told me that the little kids shouldn't be watching language this inappropriate.  Of course he didn't know such words existed at that age... yes, I over-coddled the kiddo.  Hopefully he's gotten over it.

15 September 2017

How to Pronounce Place Names

These are the cities of D'Moin, Boy-zee and Shy Ann.


Ignore that second C.  Con-et-ih-cut.

Controversy time!  Miz-zour-ee or Miz-zour-ah.  Depends largely on whether you are native to the state and/or rural.  The second pronunciation is more local and paraded out by politicians at election time.  But when speaking in Washington, DC, it's magically time for them to say Miz-zour-ee. True story.  Can you tell we're working on "place name pronunication" in our homeschool this week?

12 September 2017

History/ Geography

We're doing Alpha Omega LIFEPAC's History and Geography.  This is the third grade set.  Yes, it's easy and has a cartoon bumble-bee explaining everything for you.  Even so, it seems like quite a bit of material for children to absorb.  If you're unfamiliar with LIFEPACs, there are ten workbooks to a set that is meant to last a full school year.  Because the children are in fifth and fourth grades, it will not take us nearly that long to complete.

I've also gotten flash cards so that the children can know at least most of the states' capitals and some other countries' as well.

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...